Our Staff

We are proud to announce our 2024-2025 Little Wings School Staff. Many have taught at Little Wings in past years, while there are a few new faces who have joined the team this year. We are excited about our team of teachers this year, as they are highly skilled individuals who love investing in the lives of children. It can’t get much better than these ladies!
Melissa Ellison
Executive Director
Loraine Moffitt
Assistant Director
Brandi Mackey
Patsy Ritchey
Infants (M-Th)
Jamie Palmer
1 Year Olds (M-Th)
Sharie Dunn
1 Year Olds Assistant (M-Th)
Kaytelynn Gilliland
Toddlers (M-Th)
Aryah Badillo
Young 2’s (M-Th)
Francesca Moreno
Middle 2’s (M-Th)
Linda Hughes
Older 2’s / Young 3’s (M-Th)
Katie Woody
Preschool 3’s (M-Th)
Celeste Conger
Preschool 3’s (M-Th)
Brittany Coker
Preschool 4’s (M-Th)
Margaret Calderon
Preschool 4’s / Kindergarten (M-Th)